By using our email service, you agree to the terms set out below. Please read them carefully before using this service.
Our email service allows you to receive notifications, alerts, account statements, transaction confirmations and other important information related to your online banking account. You consent to receive such communications electronically and agree that electronic communications meet the same legal requirements as paper communications.
By using our email service, you consent to receive communications from us regarding your online banking account. You agree that use of our email service constitutes authorization for us to send you electronic communications related to your account.
We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of your information. Electronic communications we send to you may contain sensitive information related to your bank account. It is your responsibility to maintain the security of your email address and to notify us immediately if there is any change or suspected unauthorized use of your account.
The frequency of email communications may vary depending on your account activity and the services you have chosen. You can choose to opt out of certain types of non-essential communications, but certain communications, such as important security alerts, will still be sent to help keep your account safe.
You understand and agree that electronic communications we send to you may contain important information about your bank account. It is your responsibility to regularly check your inbox and carefully read the communications we send to you.
We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Email Service at any time. Changes will be posted on our website or sent to you electronically. By continuing to use our email service after such changes, you agree to the new terms.
If you have any questions or concerns about our email service or these Terms, please contact us at: